The Serra Club of St. Catharines

The Serra Club of St. Catharines
What is Serra?
The Serra Club is a voluntary association of Catholic priests, sisters, deacons and lay men and women who dedicate themselves to the fostering and promotion of vocations to the ministerialpriesthood, diaconate and consecrated life.
Serra Clubs, through their own ingenuity have, over the years, developed activities to help them fulfill their primary purpose.
The Serra Club of St. Catharines continues to develop activities within the Club such as:
• Praying for vocations
• Corresponding with all individuals in formation within the Diocese of St. Catharines to support and encourage them
• Being present at the ordination of candidates for the priesthood (transitional deacons) and permanent diaconate
• Arranging the Altar Servers Awards: “The Bishop’s Award for Service”
• Collaborating with the Diocese to host the Anniversary Feast of St. Catharines of Alexandria to honour vocations
• Collaborating with the Diocesan Vocation Office to encourage vocational awareness within the Diocese
• Collaborating with the Niagara Catholic School Board for the promotion of vocations in schools
• Attending District Fall Conferences and International Conventions
Serran Prayer for Vocations
Oh God, Who wills not the death of a sinner,
But rather that he be converted and live,
Grant we beseech you,
Through the intercession of the
Blessed Mary, ever Virgin,
Saint Joseph, her spouse,
St. Junipero Serra,
And all the saints
An increase of laborers for
your Church,
Fellow laborers with Christ,
To spend and consume
themselves for souls
Through the same Jesus
Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God forever, and ever.
Serra’s Objectives and Purposes are:
To foster and promote vocations to the ministerial priesthood in the Catholic Church as a particular vocation to service, and to support priests in their sacred ministry.
To encourage and affirm vocations to consecrated religious life in the Catholic Church.
St. Junipero Serra
(1713-1784) Canonized September 23, 2015
The founders chose St. Junipero Serra as their patron saint, a Spanish-born, Franciscan missionary who established the first missions in California.
“All my life I have….wanted to carry the gospel message to those who have never heard of God and the kingdom he has prepared for them.” (St. Junipero Serra)
The Serra Club St. Catharines meets once a month and includes a Mass followed by a general meeting.
New members for the Serra Club are always welcome.
For further information contact:
Dino Sicoli, Serra Club of St. Catharines,
(416) 948-3969, e-mail: