Road to Reconciliation: Indigenous Reconciliation Projects Requests for Proposals

Thursday August 1, 2024 Back to Around the Diocese

Road to Reconciliation:
Indigenous Reconciliation Projects
- Requests for Proposals

Issued by Bishop Gerard Bergie Bishop of the Diocese of St. Catharines


The Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Catharines is accepting grant requests in support of initiatives from the local Indigenous communities that promote:
• Healing and reconciliation for communities and families;
• Culture and language revitalization;
• Education and community building; and/or
• Dialogues involving Indigenous elders, spiritual leaders and youth with focus on Indigenous spirituality and culture.


Background - National Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (“IRF”)
Roman Catholic dioceses across Canada, in their continuing journey of seeking reconciliation with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples, have voluntarily committed to contributing $30 million over five years in new funding to facilitate further reconciliation efforts. The Bishops of Canada ( have created an Indigenous Reconciliation Fund ( to manage this funding. It is an arms-length, not-for-profit registered charity with an independent Board of Directors comprised of Indigenous and non-Indigenous members.

For its part, the Diocese of St. Catharines is committed to contributing $250,000 over five years to facilitate local reconciliation efforts. Our hope is not only to provide financial resources, but to create new friendships, to strengthen existing relationships and to support new and existing opportunities for us to journey together on the path of truth and reconciliation. All Indigenous communities in the Niagara Region and neighbouring areas are welcome and encouraged to apply for this funding. We recommend projects in the $15-$25,000 range, although all applications will be carefully considered. If you are outside the Niagara region, we encourage you to contact your local diocese/region, as this is a national initiative. We stand ready to assist in any case.

The purpose of the national Indigenous Reconciliation Fund is to:
• Independently approve funding requests from Diocesan/Regional Reconciliation Committees that are consistent with the National IRF’s grant guidelines; 

• Independently manage the receipt of funds and send monies directly to support approved reconciliation projects and initiatives; and 

• Independently and annually report to dioceses and the public on the inflow and outflow of funds, providing a clear and comprehensive view of how the approved projects are being supported. Both the local Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Working Group and the National IRF are committed to transparency.


Local Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Working Group
The Diocese of St. Catharines has created an Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Working Group which consists of voices from our local Indigenous communities and local church. The purpose of this working group is to make grant recommendations/requests to the national Indigenous Reconciliation Fund for up to the amount that the diocese has contributed to the Fund. Our local Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Working Group consults with local Indigenous leaders, groups and agencies to source potential grantees, ensures that grant requests are consistent with the IRF’s General Criteria/Guidelines and supports groups through the application process.

Our Working Group is expected to exist for up to 7 years or until all of the monies contributed by the diocese/region have been granted by the Fund.


Selection Criteria
Capital projects consistent with the General Criteria and Granting Guidelines ( are eligible for funding:
• Projects receiving grants are to be in harmony with Catholic teaching.
• Sourcing projects and initiatives to receive grants are the responsibility of the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Working Group. 

• Priority should be given to projects which will have or contribute to a lasting impact on reconciliation within communities. 

• All grant applications are to be made with Indigenous consultation based upon an assessment of their merit and local value and have the support of the local bishop using the IRF grant application form (please see below). 

• Grant requests may be made for funding up to a two-year limit, and grants may be renewed within the lifespan of the IRF. 

• All IRF grant recipients must be registered charities, and funds must be directed toward the agreed-upon reconciliation project/initiative outlined in the grant application.

• Indigenous Reconciliation Fund grants support healing and reconciliation initiatives and programs directly and are not usually used to cover expenses (i.e. travel, etc.). 

• Our local Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Working Group can recommend funding local projects and initiatives to the extent of the amount the diocese has contributed to the Fund. 

• Our local Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Working Group can seek support from other dioceses/regions for projects that impact beyond our diocese or exceed the local diocese’s contribution. 

• While the $30M in the Fund will be contributed by dioceses within five years, projects receiving grants have until December 31, 2029 to be completed.

Application Process
• The grant application form has been included at the end of this document.
• Pour la version en français, s’il vous plait envoyez-nous un courriel à
• The working group can assist potential grantees in completing the grant application form.
• All applications must be submitted to the Diocese of St. Catharines through the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Working Group at
• The working group will consider whether the proposed project or initiative meets the IRF’s eligibility criteria and whether it has local significance. If any modifications to the application form are recommended by the working group, the working group will work with the potential grantee to make these changes. Once ready, the working group will submit the application form to the national Indigenous Reconciliation Fund for approval.
• Upon receipt of a grant application, the national IRF reviewers will examine it and work with the local Indigenous Reconciliation Fund working group to make any necessary changes to ensure compliance with the General Criteria and Granting Guidelines before submitting it to the national IRF’s Board of Directors for approval. The Board will provide its approvals at its regularly scheduled quarterly meetings.
• Any questions concerning the fund may be directed to Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Working Group member Margaret Jong, or 905-684-0154 ext. 205.

We look forward to working with the local Indigenous communities in support of your projects and initiatives. We appreciate this opportunity to take steps together on the path of reconciliation.



Indigenous Reconciliation Fund - Diocesan or Regional Application for Project Funding

Fonds de réconciliation avec les Autochtones - Demande diocésaine ou régionale de financement de projet